OK, back home, yard mowed...
Open iCoud System Prefs. Click the "Options" button in the iCloud Drive line. You will now see a list of "Apps that store documents and data in iCloud..." Disable any and all that you do
NOT want to be stored in iCloud. Click "Done".
To be sure nothing ends up in iCloud Drive, UN-check it's box. You will get a absolutely horrible, terrifying, stupid message when you uncheck the iCloud Drive box. It will tell you that "
If you turn off iCloud Drive, all documents stored in iCloud will be deleted from this Mac."
WHAT?! Apple is claiming ownership of any document you store on their drives?! Not only that, but they will find any of them that are also on your Mac and
delete them?!
I've never seen this actually happen, OTOH, I always make sure anything that
accidentally got
INTO iCloud has been
copied back or is still
on my Mac. Better safe than depending on Apple to know what they are doing, especially if they start telling you they will delete stuff on
YOUR drives!
While in this Pref, you might as well disable anything else you do
NOT want touched/sent/seen/read/
lost? by iCloud.