Actually after spending way to much of my time on that machine trying to straighten out all the garbage another operator plus a few temporary operators, I'm thinking about going back to plan A with a replacement that is more up-to-date.
Why toss a bunch of chlorine in a algae infested lake when it would be cheaper in the long run to drain it, fix the lake bottom and fill it back up again with fresh H2O and fish.
Can collect revenue from skiers/fishermen.
~~ was just reading how the locals want to shell out 30 to 40 thousand dollars to some outfit for "investigating/surveying" how to clean up one of the local lakes. In case you're all wondering what is up with the lake story ~~
Every five or six years they do the same thing .... pooof goes thousands and zilch is ever done.
These new guy are actually pretty cheap. About ten years ago some group walked in gave a sales pitch ... subbed out to two guys for ten thousand dollars and split the state (to who knows where) with over hundred and forty thousand dollars.
Even the final report was never turned in on that one.
As it stands now it's worthless [even if it got a new make-over of some sort] for doing the tasks it was meant for.