Russ, I'm in Riverside.
TV wise, I get my news from your direction and from down south.
AND of course from Bernie. Guess he was out cruising [in his rig] when all hades broke lose. <gr>
Yeah I saw 'horror' stories from both sources but when you're not there, yeah really, really have to laugh at those news yoyos.
Granted they covered the fires
very well .... BUT .... the real stories are after.
OH BUT THAT ISN'T -brush your teeth type news-!
Sorry Russ.
To many coals in too many fires right now to not find something to laugh at.
I have to laugh at this LA "snow" Jive.
Anyone can write a funny or draw a picture ... pending on who's on the receiving end whether it's funny or not.
My flaw is when you walk up to a young family overlooking what is left of their first bought [if you can recall, you cut corners to get there] home. Slab only.
No words, jokes, facial expressions can lighten their grief.
They say twenty 'humans' died in these fires and "X amount" of animals.
Try doing that voluntary lost-in-found duty day after day.
Most I took pictures and brought back ... but some wanted to see ....
~~~ X rated ~~~ Led the owners/parents back to a elderly bitch bullmaster maybe fifty feet from their property. Burnt ... but still alive.
Husband freaked, wife looked at me .... I put her down.
Don't get me wrong.
I've seen and done worse.
Sometime I'll post the real story ((how)) the grand canyon was formed.
Hint: mother-in-law after a chile cook off.
Sorry. I still try to laugh but not the way I want to.