Lorraine, I've had an email address listed on the 4 web sites for which I am webmaster (one of which generates about 600 hits a week, from all over) for over a year and have never had any spam because of it. I simply use the ASCII characters in place of the "@" symbol - it seems to work very well. The only problem I have with it is that occasionally it gets mucked up (copying it or something seems to change it) and I have to fix it. Anyway - the characters to use are: "&","#","64",";" - taking out all the quotes and commas. Just put them where you'd normally have the "@" in your email addy in the HTML source code.
The scripts which change your email address into something like this (only usually much longer) are based on the same principal. While in theory, a spam bot could be taught to interpret the ASCII characters too, I think spammers don't need to bother - they get quite enough addresses simply sending the bots out looking for the ampersands!