A blessing and a curse!
I'm putting my 13 CD "The Lord of the Rings" BBC radio series on my iPod.
The first 4 went great!
Popped the CD in and then iTunes checked with Gracenote and filled in the data for the tracks.
It titled the audio tracks with names that weren't printed on the box!
Then I put in disk 5 and I get a window saying I ned to select the right CD title.
I pick the one that looks right (I had three choices and all seemed correct).
But this time the tracks weren't named, just labeled "Scene 1, Scence 2, etc.
I can't get iTunes to re-poll Gracenote, even if I quit and re-start.
Everytime I put the CD in, iTunes shows it with the titles I originally selected.
As a work-a-round, I put the disk in another Mac and selected a different CD which got me the track titles I wanted, which I typed into MY itTunes.
But it happened again with disk 6!