Yup, that's a good maintenance summary by Bob LeVitus Scott linked to there.
For me, DiskWarrior.
I've also found with Panther that you have to run it from the CD, otherwise it hangs.
Wretched Drive 10 hosed 16 gigs of my stuff a while back when I was still with Jaguar (which wasn't the end of the world, since though I simply couldn't recover it I was able to replace most of it).
Since the French outlet for
Micromat tells me they'll swap my Drive 10 for the very long-awaited TechTool Pro 4 for free, I won't look that gift horse too closely in the mouth.
But after what Drive 10 did, I'll be very wary of Micromat and OS X.
On an unrelated note, but a third party "utility" of sorts, has anybody tried
ShapeShifter, just out from the Unsanity people?
Since you have a 15-day trial period with this OS X theme installer -- the "yes, it's safe" queries are already covered inside-out and upside-down at other Mac forums, but it's still best to check out the sites of those of who put themes on offer -- I started playing with it last night, rather than do things the old hard way, and it seems pretty cool.