It's time to get my youngest grandson his first Mac. After all, he is going to be 4 in May.
Since I'm not buying new Macs for Grandma or yers truly (at least recently) there are no trickle down Macs for the young man to enjoy.
However, the catch is that he already has a number of educational games that he enjoys when he's here that are 9 but not X savvy.
Accordingly, I want a new(ish) Mac on which I can install X and 9.2.2. on separate partitions. The post-1/1/03's leave us out in the cold with respect to that preference.
Today, however, I just learned of a national purveyor (I'll disclose the name as soon as I place the order!) who has 4 G3/600 Snow iMacs back on the back shelf in the warehouse.
What's the opinion out there about these boxes? At 800 bucks? Any downsides to that model that I should be aware of? I didn't pay much/any attention when they came out.
Many thanks for any advice, encouraging or the converse.