There's a method to my madness. The G3, actually, has a 500 mhz newer Tech card, lots of memory, and there WERE 3 drives. BUT, no firewire or usb, which makes it tough to swap from computer to computer, except with a zip, and obviously we're not using the digital cameras on it, either. The only thing which is stopping me is the chills which go up my spine as I look at the still sealed Jaguar box sitting on my shelf. The last time I booted up from OSX, my whole computer crashed, and I mean CRASHED. Had to initialize, do a clean install and start all over again - and I have three drives in this baby also - two internal and one firewire. I have to play with X a little and if I manage to cope, then I will go for a ew machine. I gave my granddaughter our old G3 233, and she's only 3 - pretty soon she'll be ready for a more advanced one than I have!!!
m using!!