A friend (retired accountant) with a serious case of techno-fright, has one of the early iMacs . . . not Bondi, but early.
He's been an enthusiastic, if clueless, Mac user for some time.
Today, in the midst of typng something . . .poof. Gone. Sayonara. 'Nuthin'. The power light remains illuminated; but, no screen, at all.
Where do "we" start on any kind of diagnosis, short of the shop? (Apple+CNTRL+Power doesn't do anything). He tells me he tried the restart button (does that puppy have a programmers button - or whatever - to force a reboot?)
Or, does a completely blank screen, no "?", no tones, no bongs, no generic icons, no picture whatsoever, mean that it's simply a dead monitor and nothing can even be atempted to test anything else?
Thanks for any advice.