We are also avid readers, usually history related books. Novels too. Research carefully so you don't purchase 'hokey' stuff, waste of $. Peek at it in the library first, before you buy.
Then Amazon is where to go, 'used' books.
But one of the things that have been cutting into our reading time is the History Channel.
Modern Marvels, and so forth.
That seems to be some of the best TV available now.
We never watch much TV, but do eagerly scan HC, PBS, and the other good stations for goodies, you do indeed have to look, 'filter', thru what is offered. Don't try to 'surf', you will not get much.
But there is really some decent stuff out there in TV land, just have to look for it.
So much great stuff to see and read, just have to go and get it.
And at our age, being retired, there is an astounding amount of educational opportunities to get involved in,, and not expensive either.
We love it!