As the years have gone by, on this Forum, fine,
I’ve posted some words I’ve endeavored to rhyme,
To honor some folks midst our com-pan-y
Whose skills rest securely at an a-po-gee.
The archives reveal the praise here heaped
On those who have sowed, far more than they’ve reaped
Who’ve given much more than they’ll ever get,
To whom we say, warmly, “We’re all in your debt!”
When you drop on in, and you’re in a real bind,
Some names you know well, come quite quickly to mind,
That tell you most clearly, as you scan our TeeEss,
Oh! they’ll help me with key(s,) to my Mac’s success.
We’ve all had those days made far brighter, and great,
‘Cause a comment wise, or wry . . . maybe even a “cure”
Was posted by someone from the green Garden State,
Which reshaped our Mac skills . . . 1st rate.
Krissel’s humor and counsel will take many forms,
While gentle and quick for her are the norms,
As with patience quite soothing to brows tightly knit
She deals with all conundrums The Puzzled submit.
Please now, do cheer Kris on this bright natal day
A gifted-teacher, of skills and renown, Oh, Oh, Olé
Who's advised, sometimes prodded, us – one and all,
On queries 'bout graphics, ‘n fonts . . . or complex "Installs".
Please add many greetings, from near and afar,
From Isles, and from Bays, if not yet, the Stars,
From beaches-windy in far OhhAre, to hollers-green in EnnCee. . . do we
All cheer Krissel today – prime keeper of TeeEss’ esprit.
Kris’ humor can appear in her words or in pics
Instructive and helpful, with never, ever, a kick
So c’mon, to your feet please right now – join our chorus,
So simple, so direct, you'll need no thesaurus.