The problems on your site are not your fault, they are all created by iWeb. ...but you
did decide to use that app, didn't you...
Anyway, your font choices are fine, most of the time. Some of the redundant and totally unnecessary inline style has this: "font-family: 'Arial-BoldMT', 'Arial', 'sans-serif';" That asks for "Arial-BoldMT" which
is rather a specific font, but it then accepts plain "Arial" which should be on most computers. However, I don't think CSS expects to see 'generic' font families entered with
any quotation marks, that could be preventing most browsers from ever using the default sans-serif font installed. In other words, named fonts should have quotation marks surrounding their name, but not sans-serif/serif/fancy/script...
I assume that "’"is an attempt at an apostrophe. I simply use ’ which is readable by any decent browser, and should be available in the text encoding you have set ( charset=UTF-8 ). BTW, get a good typing assistant like Typinator and set up most of these codes so you don't have to remember them. I just type
periodapos and Typinator inserts the "’" for me. I use
periodquote and I get "“TEXT”"; an opening and closing curly quotation mark ( which usually come in pairs... ). Then I just type or paste in whatever text I want.
BBEdit suggests that the 'Eiffel Towers' ( Å ) should be coded as "Â". Is a circle what you were trying to print there? Basically the same for "å" ( in line 46, for example ): â Matter of fact, all the 53 errors point to the use of incorrect symbols/characters...&trad; instead of "tm", € instead of euro keyboard entry...
You've already been advised about using spaces in file names ( here and in other threads ). Just do it. Underlines help you read the file names and keeps all OS's happy. %20, btw, is simply the ASCII code for a 'space', but most OS's don't allow spaces, punctuation and other special characters in file names. Stick with the 26 upper and lowercase letters and numbers and you'll be fine. Believe me, "Reflections_of_Shetland" is easier to read than "Reflections%20of%20Shetland".
However, file names are one thing, style names are another. CSS does
not allow using underlines in definition names; use absolutely nothing but upper and lower case letters and 0-9 numbers ( there are a few more allowed, but that should be enough for 99.9% of your style names ).
The "tiny text" rule is rather strange:
.tinyText {
font-size: 1px;
And in true iWeb fashion, an additional, inline style is created saying "height: 0px; line-height: 0px;"! All this
should make the text pretty much invisible! But it's hard to tell when some class/ID's are specified but not created in the style sheet. Just not sure what iWeb is trying to do with a "tiny text" rule; what's the purpose...
BTW, "0px" is a waste of two characters, Zero is Zero, no matter what units are being used. When you want to be sure that 2px is used rather than 2em or 2 percent,
then you specify the units. But I digress...
It is amazing that Apple can build such a CSS compliant browser and then create a monster like iWeb.
Unless you are a glutton for punishment, don't take those pages anywhere near an HTML or CSS validator!
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