My friend has an iMac G5 Rev.B (Second Generation) with OS 10.4.8. Function Key F12 is used by the System Preferences->Keyboard and Mouse->Keyboard Shortcuts->Dock, Exposé, and Dashboard->Dashboard, to open the Dashboard. My friend wants to disable this shortcut. But when he unchecks the Dashboard F12 box, AND he unckecks the Dock, Exposé, and Dashboard box, the F12 shortcut is disabled allright, BUT both boxes get checked again upon Restart and thus the F12 Dashboard shortcut is re-enabled.
My iMac G5 rev A (First Generation), also with OS 10.4.8, does not recheck these same shortcut boxes upon Restart and thus the F12 Dashboard shortcut remains disabled..
What is my friend doing wrong, OR, what am I doing right?