You can use an AirPort with a switch and assign static IP addresses to your computers, though they will be 10.100 addresses instead of 192.168 addresses.
Correct, I just got through browsing through "
Airport Network Designs" from the Apple manuals area and noticed that. As the cable company never sees what's connected except the 'router' I don't think it will make any difference what our Macs use for their address, as long as the 'router' knows what they are. Making them static is purely on my side of the connection and simply maintains the addresses if one of them is ever turned OFF/ON. If that ever happens ( including a Restart, AFAIK ), they will usually come up with a new/different address, that will break any alias/icon of the machine on any other computer, forcing the use of the "Go" menu. Why bother, Apple invented 'drag-n-drop' so why not use it? It sure makes it simple for my wife to put stuff on my machine! She still likes to close windows instead of quitting programs.
And she never used Windows!
DynDNS sounds very useful for people who travel a lot and need to access their other machine(s). Sounds somewhat similar to the tinyURL service?
I also talked to an Apple Genius this morning and they confirmed that you 'guys' know your stuff! Looking at an Airport in the store, I saw only one ethernet port and didn't see how it would work for the 'router' part. However, there is also a WAN ethernet port that accepts the cable from the internet cable/DSL box.
second ethernet port is for a hub/switch/router/single computer.
Thanks, again for the help, info and opinions!
BTW, even though one must make a reservation to speak with a Genius by entering ones name and email address, they apparently don't have access to email so they could actually
use that address! At least not in the Germantown store and the Mac the Genius was using. She had to actually write down the URL for the manual I downloaded. ( of course, the URL I got was for Genius/Store use, but I just searched for 'Designing Airport Network' and found the manual, anyway. So much for 'cutting-edge' technology at that Apple Store! Also around 11:50 I asked when the 11:45 appointment would be. There being two other people in front of me and no one at the counter was him ( I suspect that 'he' was as confused as I was when he registered; there were two identical entries with the same name!
). Amazingly, after my enquiry, a 'Genius' appeared from behind a locked door! I shoulda asked earlier!