I read an article in my MacWorld magazine and found one to be quite interesting. Apple may do away with Harddrives altogether. The new storage will be "FLASH-drives" on the next generation of Macs.
I found this to be interesting all because I wonder what will happen to all the companies, and jobs that employ those that make Hard for the current computers.
Will Flash-drives on computers help or hurt the economy?
I hate to sound cynical, but... who cares?
When technology changes, smart companies keep up with the new technology, and dumb companies go bankrupt. When dumb companies go bankrupt, smart companies move in to the space they leave, fill the hole, and take over the dumb companies' customers.
As computers become more and more and more commonplace, the companies who make parts for those computers will grow more and more successful. It does not matter what the details of the technology are. If computer manufacturers start using solid-state hard drives, then the companies that make hard drives, like Seagate and Western Digital, better start making solid-state hard drives.
Current hard drives suck. Every hard drive on the market right now is a piece of junk. Hard drives are appallingly primitive--they are slow, fragile, clumsy, and unreliable, with short life spans and poor reliability. The hard drive is the weakest link in modern computers; mechanical devices with tiny motors and many moving parts, that are so delicate any sudden jar can completely destroy them.
We need something else. We need to replace these primitive, cumbersome, archaic pieces of junk. Every other part of a computer has progressed dramatically in recent times except the hard drives. A solid-state storage device with no moving parts is inevitable; we need to get away from spinning magnetic disks. Smart hard drive manufacturers are probably already looking for technology to replace hard drives. Dumb hard drive manufacturers will keep desperately clinging on until nobody wants their junk any more, then they will disappear like buggy whip manufacturers. Their customers will move to smart hard drive manufacturers, the smart hard drive manufacturers will have to expand to meet demand and will hire the former employees of the bankrupt dumb hard drive manufacturers, and life will go on.