Just booted over to my second internal drive on my G5 to do some troubleshooting with possibly bad video drivers. Anyways, I may want to use this Barracuda as my main drive now. In wanting to drag over certain applications, I cannot locate my Applications folder on my other drive. I believe it was showing as soon as I opened the hard drive on my Desktop. It's not there. Any ideas? I can't find it anywhere.
Update: Here's the weird thing. I booted back into my drive and I can find all my Apps and Utility folder in my sidebar, but not on the drive. I click Get Info and the "where" states "/Applications." The forward slash- what does that tell me? I don't ever remember moving the Apps folder. There would be trouble with that. I do a search for Applications and the folder doesn't show up.
I just did a search for Utilities, up came 2 folders, one on each drive. I scrolled the window over and found the Applications folder on the root of my drive. I closed the window, double clicked my drive and guess what? No Applications folder. What gives?