You can't have your cake and eat it too!
You put out dvd recorder and burners on the market place. For what? to buy and look at,
or to record on. DUH! A seven year old can figure that out.
Companies that make software and hardware products that "enable" people to burn and copy materials. If you listen carefully...
The companies promoted on how you can burn your "Favorite Music CD's, DVD's, and what ever you feel the need to burn" is all in your (the consumers) hands.
Now that it had gotten so out of control, now the companies are whining about it.
I don't do any illegal burning, but I do burn my DVD's I have purchased and make copies of them so I can put away the original disc away. When you have kids over, I am not paying out 20 bucks for them to destroy and then go buy another disc.
Those at SWAP-MEETS that burn illegal discs and sell them for a profit is another story. They are stealing from the artist by preventing the sale of the music or dvd they sell at the swap-meet.
If I buy a music cd at a yard-sale, swap-meet, or a used record store. I am buying a used/recycled item and the artist loses out. May not sound fair, but that's just the way life goes.
Now if the record companies didn't overcharge so much on their cd's and dvd's, then there probably wouldn't be so much so-called illegal downloading, pirating going on in our society.
And if companies didn't make it so appealing when it comes to burning dvd's and music cds, then I don't think we would have this huge problem today.
What problems do we have today? Copying music does not prevent artists from making money; in fact, the Recording Industry Ass. of America's own study showed that P2P file sharing actually promotes CD sales, just like radio airplay promotes CD sales. If you believe that artists make less money when people copy their music, the facts weigh against you.
So what problems do we have today that you believe are caused by P2P software?
And do you believe that all P2P software should be banned? What, exactly, do you propose as the solution to the problems you see?
If P2P is promoting such great revenue for the industry, then why try and sue people for downloading music.
P2P allows people to send music, movies, software files globally.
No! Not all Pq2P software should be banned. but if Apple can make it so that their products cannot be uploaded and downloaded on P2P (Apple went after Napster and Limewire for this), then other people such as Music Artist and the Film Industry should do the same, but then that alone would put the P2P out of business too.
I say "BAN P2P" and you can stop all the criminal activity altogether.
(Just my take on it!) Nothing personal. Okay Tacit!