I've previously shared herein my recent and prolonged agonies of tech (non)support at ATT and Earthlink, while attempting to upgrade phone and internet connections. I'll not revisit those distressing memory traces.
Comcast has now been installed (VERY easy) and has been in place (SPLENDID functioning) for a couple of weeks - cable, phone, ISP. In the case of the phone service, Comcast has some bells and whistles that are neat advances over "traditional" arrangements, notably on-screen records of calls made, received, missed.
Checking-out those rosters for the first time this morning reveals a series of calls I only remember as not completed (upon my answering) due to silence at the other end. (NO!, no heavy breathing!)
Pursuing the matter just a bit (via Googling the mysterious number) retreived a long list of sites discussing telephonic spam, something this naive senior had never previously thought about. Lots of citations of this site which keeps track . . .
Keeping a roster of these scum Curious the "frequencies" amassed by Texas and California, in contrast to Ohio. You got "laws" back there, guys?
My "unknown" caller is one of them.
I'm amazed. Can't imagine how actually knowing I have a (published!) working number benefits some miscreant, but . . .