QUOTE(bellbram @ Mar 9 2007, 12:53 AM) [snapback]121368[/snapback]
The icons vanishing trick was very spasmodic.
Do you mean intermittent?
spas·mod·ic –adjective
1. pertaining to or of the nature of a spasm; characterized by spasms.
2. resembling a spasm or spasms; sudden but brief; sporadic: spasmodic efforts at reform.
3. given to or characterized by bursts of excitement.
Icons appeared, then vanished, appeared.... etc.
in·ter·mit·tent –adjective
1. stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain.
2. alternately functioning and not functioning or alternately functioning properly and improperly.
3. (of streams, lakes, or springs) recurrent; showing water only part of the time.
Icons appeared sometimes, but not others.
It makes a difference, maybe, in tracking down the problem.