Indeed it does seem (to me) to be a printer queue or network problem. Of course, the network can be verified (or not) by connecting a printer directly to computer.
So, if SB's suggestion doesn't work, a few suggestions, well, guesses really, just to prime the pump a bit more--
1. When you restarted, was it just a restart or was it from a shut down? AFAIK, printer queues are often deleted when the power is off, ergo, a power down of both the printers and computer may clear the Job Stopped/Resume issue.
2. Since this may be a network issue, resetting all network devices (Airports, routers, modems, etc.) can't hurt (well, shouldn't). Also, since you have a scanner (and other peripherals?) connected, disconnecting that is worth trying.
3. You checked for loose cables and the like?
4. I have five printer plists (Home/Library/Preferences). I presume you have a similar list:
Perhaps one of your printer plists is corrupt and needs removing.
Sorry for all the guesswork.