Beautiful pictures folks, keep 'em coming.
Yup, groundhog or woodchuck. I've had a family every year living near the garage or under the enclosed porch. The neighborhood is full of them by now. In the spring they eat the dandelions so they are helpful in that respect.
Yeah Paddy, I long ago gave up on any kind of garden. And kimmer, remember my mentioning the ajuga (bugle), note the yard is nothing but in that area.
Here a shot of the kids with Mom on guard.
Besides Chuck and his progeny my yard is home to lots of other little critters like the ubiquitous squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, possum and raccoons (one was on the roof last summer and looked down at me through the skylight).
Unfortunately I've had a couple other visitors this year who are causing a lot of carnage.
I've encountered over a dozen of these piles of feathers in the yard so far in the past few weeks.
Seems as though there are a pair of hawks decimating the local bird population.