Hi Mayo, Actually I probably wouldnt take my Mac outside the country, or on a plane. I was more thinking about taking it up to our house in Maine. Every summer we have a lot of family stuff going on in Northern New England. NH and VT too.
Or if we went to Florida for a month or 2, we would drive our truck down. But for our short regular trips like to Anguilla, Belize, or Costa Rica(our3 favourite places) for a few weeks, I wouldnt bother with a computer. Too much outdoor stuff to do.
I used to have a nice little powerbook, and I took it with us mostly for downloading and viewing our digital pictures. But found that I really didnt bother with it on most trips, so the poor thing sat in our closet for about 2 years unused. So I gave it to one of our TS people, and its happy and being used now.
But if we were going to travel and stay put in one place for a good while, I sure would buy one of the new ones.