I originally posted here to get advice how to delete original photos in my Pictures/iPhoto Library folder.
Just to make room on my HD "OSX" partition. I was using iPhoto v4 on OS10.3.9.
So I upgraded to iPhoto 6 yesterday.
Now when I click on photo thumbnails to open the original, some open and enlarge as a separate JPEG file. And some do nothing.
Those I have to track down the thumbnail number and find the original in the iPhoto Library folder which is several folder layers down by year, month, date. It's a pain!
I found an article how to rebuild the iPhoto Library. Would that solve the problem?
But here is the 2nd glitch... To do a rebuild I need enough free space on my HD equal to the size of the current iPhoto LIbrary.
I have 3 partitions... my OSX partition has 3 gb free out of 20 gb partition. My iPhoto Library folder is 6 gb in size! (That's why I originally wanted to dump excess photos.)
What are my options...
How can I get all my thumbnails to open as full JPEG files?
How do I rebuild my iPhoto Library if that needs to be done?
Seems like Catch22!!!
I hope someone out there has some good advice. Thanks.
Dual G4/1.25 GHz. 160 gb HD. OS10.3.9. iPhoto 6.06