Today, after booting up, I noticwed the date, Time, and Computer Name did not appear on my finder menu bar, as it has been lo these many moons. I opened Date/Time pref. panel and chose the appropriate options but nothing happened, After closing the panel, I reopened the panel and saw the The Sow time automaticall was unchecked and in the Clock panel, the Show Date & Time option plus show digital in menu bar were unchecked. I repeated the above procedures locking the Date/Time preference panel and still nothing worked.
After rseetting the options resetting several times stilld nothing happened. I then changed the one option to analog clock in a Finder window and the clock showed up!
Also certain items that used to be on the Finder menu bar also disappeared such as WeatherPop, Bluetooth menu, and Apple Scripts menu.
Yes, I ran DiskWarrior and that did not solve the problem. Anyone have any ideas?