Starting about two weks go, I noticed that Retrospect was still running after about twelve hours. This weekend it quit with an error -116 error (unknown) - scanning incomplete.
I have two backup drives, one known as Backup Drive, which has Retrospect automated to duplicate once a week. This is what I have described above. I have a second drive, a Maxtor Bootable Drive which has a script on my dock- I have not really backed up to it in months, but when I tried today, I got a message that the script was not defined,
Since all of this, I wiped the Backup Drive, unhappily, since it had everything backed up till about a month ago. I formatted, and tried again, and now I find Retrospect is giving me the same error message, telling me that scanning is incomplete, and when I checked the volmes on Retrospect, I now have two backup drives listed ( only one appears on the desktop). One says it is offline, and occasionally I get an error -53.
At this point, I do not know what to do, I don't know where the problem is. I ran disk repair and permissions repair, and found no problems. I ran Techtool and found no problems.