Topic title says it all, except i was until 6 trying to get rid of it.
The attempted install was on a g5 imac (not Win).
Im on a g4 PB now that never gets much use so maybe that's the bright side.
Bascially i got a blue screen when trying to restart. Ran disc utility off both the Leopard and original discs. They said ok.
I just tried reinsalling Leopard and it failed! Said Essentials not found (or sonething, i'll write ir down next time as I'm trying it yet again.
I think my extended warranty is still in effect but not sure. Of course this being a Sunday i couldnt call anyway.
Thanks for listening!
Thanks. i also came across this. it seems the command line solution is the easiest.
one question. in this command:
/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mount -uw /
rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/ApplicationEnhancer.bundle
Is there a space after bundle going into reboot? They should turn these things without making such things clear.
Im on way to work now and will try this when i return late tonight. in the meantime, i hope to see some more suggestions flooding in.
Thanks again.