Vodka is well liked here, too,
Each state has it's own liquor laws here. For instance, Indiana allows beer sales in covenience stores, but I've never bought a cold six pack in one. Only in liquor stores, which also sell distilled spirits. And there are no liquor, neither distilled or beer on Sundays.
I remember one time, in Kentucky, that one could not purchase milk but could buy beer on Sundays. (Read
Blue Laws and
Bartleby's America, being a homogenous mixture does not have, to my knowledge, a "national drink". Kentucky and Tennesse make a case for bourbon, California makes a case for wine and there are parts of most states making a case for "corn likker" though.
Florida-not having a state income tax, relies heavily on the taxes and regulates quite lightly as to hours, statewide, leaving it up to the municipality, and heavily in other areas, particularly bottle sizes, and instate shipping.
Strange liquor laws and then there are the
story 1 story 2 about bar patrons being arrested for public intoxication.