Hourly backups for the last 24 hours." Time marches on, don't expect to see 25 daily backups at any time, much less 48. To me that says TM will delete all daily backups before 24 hours ago, leaving the last one of the day as the daily backup for the previous day. The previous day doesn't end until the end of "today," however. So, you should be able to get anything from the last 24 hours via TM. Those will, logically, span more than one calendar day, for a while.
Unfortunately, I'm find TM to be somewhat less than perfect. Several times, on some days, I get an alert saying the backup "failed." With absolutely no indication of why or how. Sure, there may be something in one of its logs but if it can be written there, why not write it in the dialog?
I usually just force a backup manually and that always seems to work.
Maybe some files being written while the backup is in progress and TM gets 'behind' in its tasks?
I have also had mixed results when attempting to find a file in its backup files. I've had no more than about a 75% success rate finding the file(s) I was looking for. Not because it was hidden or I had forgot where to look but because that day/hour had
no files/backup!
It's still better than only daily backups, when it works, but it has got to work better before I'll trust it to take over for SD or CCC. Eye wand purfecktlei opureighting soffwhere!
OTOH, my System was not perfectly stable before this week...we'll see how things go after the reinstall.
edited a stoopid statement.