It seems I have this voucher from Continental Airlines for a free round trip, along with upgrade coupons.
When we were scheduled to fly to Phoenix on March 1,
it seemed that they had a smaller plane than originally planned,
and needed to have 23 passengers accept a "voluntary bump".
We had first class seats on the trip out.
They offered alternate flight to Phoenix via Las Vegas.
No, we don't gamble, only in marriage. 47 years of wedded bliss
I won't go into the gory details on the alternate route, or the 47 years.
Anyway, in addition, they made the offer of free $500 tickets,
AND "positive space upgrade" coupons. Whatever that means.
How could I say no???
Bottom line: I am planning to use my ticket to fly to Seattle in September,
rent a car and do some "rough camping" to Mount Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and
Columbia River Gorge to see some of the gorgeous waterfalls.
Then on to the Washington and Oregon coasts for some more "rough camping".
Gorgeous campsites out there.
No, my wife will not be going with me due to circumstances I will not go into.
Besides, she hates to camp. Her idea of camping is in a motel with a hot shower and a clean bed.
Anybody out there like to meet a fellow TSer? I'll try to "clean up" before the visit.
Maybe even walk through a car wash.
I'll probably leave around the second week in September and spend two weeks or so.
- Jack