Dear Frances,
Kindly purchase one round trip ticket to the central coast of Oregon (actually you'll have to fly to Portland and then rent a car and drive down the coast). Once here, go to the local pet store and purchase a nice, large, very, very, very sturdy cage. With cage in hand, call us at 1-800-WEE-TRAP and we'll direct you to the tree where these critters hang out -- or on as the case may be. They are there most afternoons.
Dangling RaccoonWhere's a ladder when you need one?Gee, George! You sure are in a sticky wicket!As you can see, sometimes the one raccoon gets into a bit of a sticky wicket. We assume that's the male of the pair. He would likely make a perfect George (although we wouldn't want anyone to think that we think all George's get into sticky wickets on a regular basis. We're told that sticky wickets often attract Charlie's and Sam's and even Fred's).
We are sure that with the right treat you should be able to entice these raccoons out of the tree and into your cage, whereupon you can whisk them home to your cozy abode, feed them well and train them to be pets. With 2 you get egg rolls, perhaps?
If you are interested, please contact us immediately.
The Fine Folks at WEETRAP (
WE Eagerly
Raccoons and
Please meet me at your airport for collection and transport to your local raccoon catching supply store whereupon I will purchase a WEETRAP forthwith.
Transport to the raccoon recreation area would also be appreciated and any tips for George enticements would be useful.
Once George has been trapped, crated and moved to the Shetland Islands, I will be able to offer regular updates as to his general progress.