Kris's post about
cassettes being on the way out jogged my memory about
this article on how Brits hoard old technology in their loft (roof space). I'd thought I was the only one.
I finally succumbed recently to exhortations from the domestic manager to get rid of an Atari ST plus its HD, floppy drive, two monitors, games, software, magazines, cover disks, shareware disks and sundry other bits and pieces. Found the
Atari forum - yep, it's still going! - and gave the lot to a fanatic who takes them home, dismantles them, soaks the cases in the bath to clean them, reassembles them and then
(according to her website) puts them away. Apparently she writes software for microcontrollers but, she says, they are not modular but have evolved
... It's all WAY over my head! But if you ARE into old technology check out her links.
For me, that still leaves a reel-to-reel recorder (Tandberg - Norwegian), DVD player, a couple of VHS video recorders, various speakers, a 1970s stereo tuner/amp and... can't actually remember what else!
So what old technology can you not bring yourself to throw out or maybe are still using?