I have 500 GB Lacie Hard Drive with three volumes on it. Two of the volumes can be mounted or unmounted as well as erased using Disk Utilities. However, one of the volumes, say A, won't unmount, won't erase, and stays stubbornly on the desktop no matter what I do. Also, the drive itself cannot be unmounted except by turning off the power. Vol A is the backup to my boot drive and therefore is important. This problem arose when I tried to backup using SuperDuper! and it failed.
I get error messages such as "error volume (drive) cannot be unmounted or volume cannot be unmounted because it is currently in use. !! So I searched Activity Monitor thinking that I might see what was in use. No such luck. SuperDuper! has a nasty habit of leaving behind some software that is linked to the current system. Sometimes when I perform a task, the backup drive spins up indicating the boot and backup are linked. I wonder if this is the problem.
I tried to use DiskWarrior on Vol. A but got an error message saying, 'DW failed as it could not unmount volume".
When I select Verify Disk in Disk Utilities, it checks out as good!
So I am at my wits end. Does anyone know of a way to get the volume off the desktop, or erase the entire drive, or unmount the drive or volume A? Perhaps, I have to go into Terminal and use Unix to solve this problem. I haven't tried booting from the install disk. Might that work?
Thanks for any ideas,