Author Topic: eBay Channel in Sherlock  (Read 932 times)

Offline amk285nyu

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eBay Channel in Sherlock
« on: May 11, 2003, 03:24:15 PM »
Does anyone use the eBay Channel in Sherlock 3?

I just got on it, to simplify my tracking, I hoped, and it does, but so far I've got two complaints about the channel

1) My tracker won't update
I tracked about 15 auctions of the same product, and now, when I go to check them in the tracker, it shows the same time remaining and the same bid amounts as when I added them; it won't update. If I highlight a specific auction, the window that pops up in Sherlock shows the updated information, but this is cumbersome. I want see the current status of everything at once. I want to be able to compare all the bids with time remaining from one window- not tryin to navigate though each individual window and try to remember what was what.

2) Categories Searching is too limited
You can search by category, but it isn't specialized enough. For example, I did searches for a video game. The problem is that particular video game is available to several different platforms- Playstation, Gamecube, Xbox, PC- and I only want to look at the results for Xbox, as that is the only platform I own. In eBay's website, you can search within Xbox only, but I can't in Sherlock, and that's enough to make it obsolete.

Is there an update I'm missing? I'm using the default eBay channel that came with Sherlock 3. Has some developer programmed a better version that does what I want? Does anyone have a solution?

If there is no solution, then does anyone recommend an auction tracker, because Safari doesn't have one (I think). I used to use Auction Watch, and that was a pretty cool website. I switched to the Auction Tracker on IE when I started using that browser, but it was pretty annoying and it never showed the proper times.

Also, what is the best place to get Sherlock channels? I got all I could from Version Tracker, and I found Sherlocker. Is there some holy grail depot I don't know about?