Many years ago, we were out on the Belize barrier reef and our friends were takng us from tiny cay to cay. We happened upon a small one about a couple of acres and the mangrove trees were just totally filled with pelicans, just hanging and sitting on every branch! We figured it was a rookery, as there were nests and young. Never saw so much white POOOOOP!
And they were making an odd muffled peeping noise, I didnt really know that pelicans made any noise, being a quiet bird, the opposite of our vocal sea gulls.
We pulled the boat up on the sand and got out and looked around, it was really amazing! But the smell, oh my goodness, whew.
It was such a thrill to see a nesting area of pelicans, as we had never seen one in Florida.
Ive pictures, just snapshots with a Kodak disposible camera, I should look thru our old boxes and find them.
Weve always admired pelicans, a very unique and interesting bird.