Again a blunder of leadership, first Powell then Martin operating under a market will fix everything policy, failed the consumer, failed business and left this administration holing the bag. Knowing this is coming Gobama called in Salemme, who is good at what he does, but anyone you call-in to solve this issue is going to have a measure of experience in either developing technology so your damned if you do or don't. Personally I'm a WiMax fan, from my perspective we have too many wires laced down our easements and WiMax -Wifi solves some of that. WiMax solves a rural commitment as well, so whether Salemme is in the room or not there are bigger fish to fry. The Fiber V WiMax argument not withstanding the last administration promised to subsidize the transfer with coupons that failed to purchase the products that weren't available and had no value when the products were on the shelves, but they didn't hesitate to take the billions for the bandwidth. Now we all pay. The government will slow down the process and give tax breaks to the players for the delay of game which comes out of our taxes. i have two portable TV's that I've use afloat and in a motorhome that will become obsolete. Millions of TV's across the country will be in short order the most expensive paper weights you can buy, why? Failure of leadership. I use DirecTV, it has a on-air switch for local channels, using the dish as a local antenna. it's works great but it does little for my portables which i have treasured through the years.