plist are preférence files like in OS9...?
Deleting them force to re set prefrences in all applications..?
Yes and yes.
The "p" in plist stands for 'preference,' so a "plist" is a preference list for any app. You can usually find them in your user folder/Library/Preferences, usually with the developers or the applications name in the file name and a suffix of ".plist"
Moving one of these files out of where ever it is will force the application to create a new one with default values for everything. Therefore, you will lose any changes you may have made to those preferences. But if this operation makes the application stop crashing, it is well worth the meager effort. If moving the file does
not help matters, it is easy to put the original file back where it came from and restore any special settings you might have made. Of course, if an application continues to crash, the problem is still to be determined.
Sometimes developers let an error get by them (even Apple!) and they make an update to correct them. It's always a good idea to allow any good application to use its automatic update alerting system, if it has one. The problems you might be having may have been addressed by a recent update that you didn't know about.