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CanOpener 5.0 will open just about anything.
The appl' has not been updated in 7 yrs. but works well on my MacBookPro.
The fastest way to open a file is to drag and drop it to CanOpener. If CanOpener is not running, drag and drop to the CanOpener program icon and CanOpener will launch and open the file. If CanOpener is already running, drag and drop to the CanOpener window.
To open a file without using drag and drop, choose Open from the File menu, or double click the file in the file list (the top left panel of the CanOpener window.) You can open folders in this list by double clicking, or use the button above the list to change disks and select other folders. Usually the file list will show all files on your system. To show only specific file types, choose the desired type from the Show menu.
When you open a file with CanOpener it scans the contents for text and lists items in the contents area (the top right panel of the CanOpener window.) To display any item, double click it.
You can select multiple items by holding down the Shift key and clicking the items. The selected items are displayed in turn with a brief pause between each.
You can extract the contents of any file through the Mac clipboard, or by saving to disk.
To copy an item to the clipboard, click to select it, and then choose Copy from the Edit menu. Once on the clipboard, you can paste the item into any other program by choosing Paste from the Edit menu inside the desired program.
To copy text from a text item, first double click to display the item, then select the desired text and choose Copy from the Edit menu, or drag and drop the selected text to any other program that supports drag and drop.
When you display a text item, the display area shows a button called 'Filter' which allows you to process the text before you extract it. The available filters are:
Clean EMail - cleans email files
HTML HREFs - extracts HREFs from an HTML file
Strip HTML Tags - removes all HTML coding from an HTML file
Strip Space - removes all excess space characters
EMail Addr. - extracts email addresses
URLs - extracts all URLs
WWWs - extracts Web addresses only
Sentences - extracts sentences
Sentences w/... - extracts sentences which contain the specified words
Sentences w/$ - extracts sentences which contain dollars
Sentences w/0-9 - extracts sentences which contain numbers
Sentences w/Tel# - extracts sentences which contain telephone numbers
Sentences w/Name - extracts sentences which contain names
Sentences w/? - extracts sentences which are questions
Sentences w/IP Addr. - extracts sentences which contain IP addresses
To go to a URL or Web address, select it in the display area and press the 'return' key. (You need an Internet connection and Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer to use this feature.)
To save an item to disk, click to select it and then choose Save As from the Item menu. A dialog box appears. Type the name of the file you wish to create and click Save.
To append an item to an existing file, first click to select it and then choose Add To from the Item menu. A dialog box appears. Select the file you wish to append the item to and click Open. The dialog box disappears and CanOpener checks to see if the item can be appended to the chosen file. If it can, you will be asked to confirm the request before the append is performed. If it cannot, a message will inform you CanOpener cannot append. Text can only be appended to the data fork of files of type TEXT.
You can extract text from multiple files by using the CanOpener Extractor utility. Just drag the file(s) to CanOpener Extractor. If CanOpener Extractor is not running, drag and drop to the program icon and CanOpener Extractor will launch. If CanOpener Extractor is already running, drag and drop to the CanOpener Extractor window.
You can drag a single file, or several files, or a folder full of files. When the CanOpener Extractor window appears, choose the desired text filter. The available filters are the same as the CanOpener filters described above.
CanOpener Extractor will process each file in turn using the chosen filter and save the output to disk. You can choose to write a seperate output file for each input file, or write everything to a single output file.
CanOpener Extractor Settings. To change settings, choose Settings from the Edit menu. Open Fork - specifies which fork to scan when a file is processed. Text Cleanup - this is the standard CanOpener text cleanup. Open After With - this lets you specify a prefered application to open the output file, just drag the application to the area indicated to set this. Output - this lets you specify the type of output and its location.
CanOpener displays the 'rotating can' icon during any operations requiring a noticeable delay. You can cancel at any time by holding down the Command key and pressing the Period (.) key.
Just click the CanOpener icon in the upper right of the CanOpener window to go to the CanOpener User Services website.
To search for text in the currently open file, choose Find from the Item menu. To search all files in the file list for specific text, choose Search Files from the File menu. A dialog box appears:
Click Contents if you want to search file contents. Otherwise, click File Name to search file names.
Type the text you want to find in the first text box. If you wish to search for two pieces of text, type the second in the other text box. (If you entered two pieces of text, click And to locate files with the first text and the second. Click Or to locate files with the first text or the second. Click But Not to locate files with the first text but not the second.)
Click Case Sensitive if you want CanOpener to match uppercase and lowercase letters.
Click Include Subdirectories if you want the search to include folders.
Click Search. The dialog box disappears. CanOpener searches all files in the file list and changes the file list display to show only the found files. To open a file, double click the file name.
When you have finished using the found files, choose All from the Show menu to return the file list display to normal. Your list of found files is not lost, you can return to it anytime by choosing Found from the Show menu.
Text can be stored in library files for future use. You can have as many library files as you wish and keep them anywhere. When you start CanOpener for the first time it will create a default library file named 'CanOpener Library' in your CanOpener folder.
To open the current library, choose its name from the File menu. CanOpener closes any open file and then opens the current library and displays its contents.
To add items to the current library, select them and choose Archive from the Item menu.
To delete items, first open the current library, select the items to be deleted and choose Delete from the Item menu.
To name library items, open the desired library and select the item you wish to name. Choose Name from the Item menu. A dialog box appears. Type the desired name and click OK.
To switch library files, choose Open Library from the File menu. A dialog box appears. Select the desired library file and click Open. The dialog box disappears and CanOpener makes the chosen library file the current library. If there is no file currently open, the chosen library is opened and its contents displayed.
To create a new library, choose New Library from the File menu. A dialog box appears. Type the file name and click Save. The dialog box disappears. CanOpener creates a new library file and makes it the current library.
To Merge library files You can add the contents of any library to the current library. Choose Merge Library from the File menu. A dialog box appears. Select the desired library file and click Open. The dialog box disappears and CanOpener adds the contents of the chosen library to the current library.
To change preferences relating to opening files, choose Preferences/File from the Edit menu:
Open Files Fork, tells CanOpener which fork to scan when a file is opened.
Search Files Fork, tells CanOpener which fork to search when performing a Search Files operation.
Text Cleanup, allows you to control the way CanOpener extracts meaningful text from files containing lots of 'gobboldy gook'. We recommend you first view a file with text cleanup off in order to get a feel for what's in the file. If you find what you need you probably won't require any text cleanup. A Text Cleanup setting of Off or Standard is good for most situations, we recommend you experiment with changing the three parameters only if all else fails.
Click Off to switch text cleanup off. With text cleanup off, files will open faster but will display their entire contents including all control characters.
Click On to activate text cleanup. With text cleanup on, CanOpener reads the entire file but extracts only 'good' text as defined by three parameters: Min Ascii Length, Max Extended Ascii and Max Repeat Length. All parameters can be changed by using the scroll arrows, or dragging the elevator thumb to the desired value.
Click Standard to set all three parameters to their default values recommended for most files.
Min Ascii Length: (Can be set to any value in the range 2-25.) Strings of characters will be discarded if they are shorter than this length. It's best to start with low values, say 2 or 3 and increase only if needed.
Max Extended Ascii Length: (Can be set to any value in the range 0-25.) Strings of 'special' characters (such as bullets and foreign accents) are discarded if they are longer than this length. A setting of 0 means all special characters will be discarded, and is the usual setting. However, you may want to increase this parameter if you need to keep special characters.
Max Repeat Length: (Can be set to any value in the range 2-99.) Text strings longer than this length are discarded if they consists of a single repeated character. A setting of 2 or 3 will discard the maximum amount of repeats and is safe with real text (since almost no words contain characters repeated 3 or 4 times). But if you wish to keep long repeats (such as strings of bullets, spaces, periods, dashes etc.) set this to 99 or switch text cleanup off.
.XXX Extension Mapping is only used when opening non-Macintosh files. Unlike Mac files, these files do not contain an internal file type, so CanOpener must determine the file type based on the file extension. It then chooses the correct filter to open the file. Click Off to ignore file extensions and open all files as text files without using a filter.
Click Forced to have CanOpener open the file only if it has the exact filter in the CanOpener Filters folder.
Click Smart to have CanOpener choose the filter it feels is best to open the file.
To change preferences relating to displaying files, choose Preferences/View from the Edit menu:
File List, controls display of files in the file list.
Click Invisible Files to show invisible system files.
Click Alias Files to show file aliases (system 7 only).
Contents List, controls display of items in the contents area.
Text Viewing, lets you change the font and point size used to view text items. Press the Font button to show the font menu. Type the desired point size in the Size box.
View All Items, allows you to automatically display file contents when CanOpener opens a file. Click View All Items if you want CanOpener to display all items found when a file is opened. The items are displayed sequentially with a delay between each determined by the value you type in the View Delay box.
Window, lets you use the standard Mac window design. Just uncheck Use Abbott Window, then quit CanOpener and re-launch for the change to take effect.
Web Browser, tells CanOpener which Web browser you are using.