I think you were the one who told us about that multi-page opening trick. I have one that I use quite often. What amazes me is that so many use some commercial portal as their 'home' page. html is so simple, there's simply no excuse to be hit in the face with all the ads that come to you that way. Of course, using TS as a 'home' page will solve that problem, also. But the following 'code' can be copied and pasted into a plain text file and put on your hard drive and used as your, faster than greased lightening, 'home' page. You can keep it as simple as it is or play around with the html tags to your hearts content. It might even serve as a storage for bookmarks, if you organize them a little...
<title>Local Home Page</title>
<a href="http://www.techsurvivors.net/forums/index.php?act=SF&f=1">Techsurvivors.net Forums</a>
<a href="http://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa?ft=y">Apple Forums</a>
<p>Just add "[a href="http://your_favorite_site.com"]<br>
Substituting a url copied from a favorite site for the text above between the "[" and "]".<br>
then, add some text for a title of the site, folloed by "[/a]" That's the basic format for any link
you might want. Now, replace the "[" with a "<" and the "]" with a ">" and the line will magically become a link!<br>
Or, just copy one of the link already in this file and replace the url with the one you want.</p>
<a href="http://www.thehungersite.com/">the Hunger Site</a>
<p>I put a thin dividing line between the "Hunger Site" and the stuff above just to show that you can use
such a 'tag' to help organize your links into different groupings.</p></html>
I'm not saying this will be pretty or win any awards, but it will also not be seen by anyone but you or whoever opens your browser. Just use a simple text editor to paste and save the 'code' and name it whatever you want and anywhere you want (You will probably have a "Sites" folder created for you when the OS was installed). Now, open a browser and paste the 'path' to that file into its 'Open browser with this...' pref setting. Most browsers will even let you browse your drive/folders to find the file. It's almost as simple as inserting an external hard drive into an enclosure!
Just two caveats:
1. File naming.
a. Be sure to place a period and the letters "html" or even "htm" as the end of the files name.
b. Make sure that the Save dialog is showing file name extensions.
c. Your text editor may use ".txt" for the file name ending, just change that to ".html" and it'll work fine.
2. Make sure to "Save as..."
Plain text no matter what the text editor wants to do. Browsers don't know what to do with 'styled' text from a word processor. If you're lucky, it will simply ignore that extra junque. But why complicate matters, just feed the browser plain text, that's what it's been using for the last 20+ years.