As much as we claim to be a nation of laws, it's hard to find
History demonstrates time and again that success such as Walmat's is derived from the resources of others.
You may indeed not have any choice, but walmart, and their system was designed to create that condition.
They are now too Big to Fail and should be regulated so that they cannot hold our economy by the throat.
The sooner the global economy achieves equitable distribution the more peaceful we will be. Using our military to defend the exploitation by corporation under the guise of need, capitalism or national security requires closer examination. These corporations are subsidized with our tax dollars and the price we pay is too high.
When nations say enough exploitation, no more taking of resources and cheap labor, the hollow headed point their fat fingers and call them communists or socialist, when what they are really doing is protecting their sovereignty, national pride and human dignity.
When Kennedy past the minimum wage law many corporations began smuggling illegals into the country, payed them less than legal wages and placed them on the public dole. In spite of the law they continued and found ways or payed politicians to look the other way. That is the sort of Scoundrels we're dealing with in walmart, exxon, at&t on and on. It's repackage slavery with human trafficing, rape and exploitation all rapped up in a 21st century bow.
Unfortunately many don't have choices, the walmart in their area put everyone out of business so there are no local options. Online shopping is the best option today if people take the time to find a reasonable retail outlet, and know the products. If consumers saw the conditions of the people in these sweat shops that produce the goods that reaches the walmart shelves, I'm sure some would think twice about shopping there.