A clarification - the EXPORT TO PDF function from all Adobe CS4 apps continues to work as it should - this issue affects those creating PDFs from NON-ADOBE products
who also have Acrobat Pro installed. I haven't seen anything on this issue from those who don't have Acrobat Pro installed - for them, Apple's print to PDF function should work fine.
More info on the Acrobat Pro PDF issue here:
http://indesignsecrets.com/acrobats-adobe-...now-leopard.php(read the comments too - there are some responses from Leonard Rosenthol at Adobe)
Adobe's explanation:
Why the change? An Adobe TechNote provides a brief explanation: “Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6)’s enhanced security features prevent Adobe’s PDF Printer from functioning as it did in previous versions.” Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe’s PDF guru, provides additional details:
In a nutshell, Snow Leopard no longer supports the necessary OS features we need to install a Distiller-based printer. It’s just as well, as that print path (of PDF->PS->PDF) is REALLY SLOW and full of a HUGE number of bugs for many years now that we couldn’t fix due to how the Apple printing system works ?. With Snow Leopard, you now have a new PDF Workflow entry (the things in the “PDF” menu in the print dialog) called “Adobe PDF” which will convert the Apple-based PDF into an Adobe-based PDF using your supplied/chosen Job Options. It does so via native PDF transcoding – no Postscript here!! So we still provide a method for creation of Adobe-quality PDFs – but it’s FASTER and MORE reliable!
So - it's supposed to be a
good thing, though clearly, it isn't working as intended for everyone. Some have had it work fine - others report crashes.
http://forums.adobe.com/thread/483911?tstart=0I haven't install SL yet - my son put it on his MacBook 2 days ago and apart from a font issue (I needed to go through and resolve duplicate fonts in Font Book) and having to delete his World of Warcraft cache, no issues to report. (He was so upset about the WoW thing - his frame rates dropped badly until that cache was deleted - that he still refuses to acknowledge that SL has improved anything!