I'm setting up my silver door G4, OSX10.4.11, for my wife to replace her eMac.
I dumped all my work files first, and then transferred all her work files, emails, photos, etc using the Target Disk mode routine.
So far, so good.
Except now, I cannot get her Samsung Laserprint ML2510 to connect. I've spent hours at this... Frickin frustrating!!!
There seem to be several issues here...
1. There are only two USB ports at the back of the G4. I need three for the Apple flat screen display, keyboard, AND printer.
So I used a USB port at the back of the display for the printer. Is that OK?
(I tried using a USB2 hub for the keyboard, but the arrow on my screen would freeze. Nothing wrong with the hub, cause I used it elsewhere. So I figured the keyboard has to be connected DIRECTLY into the G4?)
2. I installed the Samsung software. Then used the Print Set Up Utility to find printer.
In the Print Browser window, my old Laserwriter (LW) shows up! Should it?
(I did dump the LW app from its folder)
When I ADD a printer, I can get "ML2510" in the window, but the next ADD button is greyed.
The User Guide tells me to click on the USB tab. There is no such choice.
At the top of the Print Browser window are 2 icons - Default Browser and IP Printer.
Which to use?
Underneath is a "More Printers" button, but no Samsung printer choices.
Aside, what I did notice is this -
My old LW.app was located in USERS/MYNAME/LIBRARY/PRINTER folder.
Which I dumped.
The new Samsung Folder is located in LIBRARY/PRINTER. But it has no app.
It's a folder with several files that say - "Gray HT600" etc.
What to do, oh Mac wise ones? ;-)
Much thanks again!!!