Author Topic: Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?  (Read 14768 times)

Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2003, 08:13:06 AM »
RobW, pendragon, beacher, thanx.gif  I have come to the conclusion that I will probably encounter a bottleneck in the super highway of information using the slowwww "old mac"  According to my specs found at the Apple Museum, I have an Ethernet Port and I don't know what that means yet. The specs under Communications say Modem: N/A.  On the back of the Processor I can see the plug for the Ethernet Port and also a symbol for a Telephone Handset - but it does not look like the openning accomodates a telephone type plug, just a plug in like the rest of the mac plugs ie: mouse, keyboard, sound etc.. Does this mean I cannot use a modem? Is this what is referred to as "external"?  I apologize for not knowing all the buzz words associated with computer language, but I am trying to learn as I go.  
By the way, I was Told that my Radiation Treatment is cumulative and I will be more and more tired as the weeks progress.  I calculated that I have about three to four weeks to learn and do everything to get my "old mac" up, running,printing and hooked up to the internet. Whew!!!

Offline kelly

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2003, 08:20:03 AM »
Mrs. L. Those connections on the back are called Serial Connections. smile.gif

There should be three. Printer, Modem and Keyboard.

Yes you would need an External Modem.

You don't have an Internal one in that machine.

It would have a special cable connector like your Keyboard Cable.

This would connect to the Modem "Port" as they're called.

PS. You don't have to apologize for what you don't know.

We understand. That's ok.

That's why we're here and that's what we do.

We're happy to give you the information you need. smile.gif
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 08:23:35 AM by kelly »
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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2003, 09:01:48 AM »
I read your other post with interest thanx.gif
I went to the eBay item you suggested but the person had some current negative feedback, which makes me hesitant.  Both of the negaties were about non shipment of items paid for.  With my limited budget, I cannot afford to take any chances.  I was not supplied with a modem or plug in for the internet. Judging only from what I have seen from the folders and Control Panel there is capablility for doing this, provided I have the correct parts for the job. I love learning new things, but I am prone to suffering from information overload I have to back away now and then.  The Chemotherapy caused me to lose some focus and brain functioning, causing me no end of grief.  Since ending treatment, I am now able to focus better, to read and brain functioning is slowly  returning to its' normal functioning.  It may take me a bit longer than others on TS to assimilate the information and use it.  Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Offline neokm

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2003, 10:47:48 AM »
Didn't have time to read and glean from other post on this thread - on my way to a meeting - - - but, I look at it this way - - - being connected to a hi-speed broadband really isn't going to do much for my 6100 because of it's limited processing ability - - - it must take small gulps of data -pause-then more and more in gulps it does not "stream" simply because of my poscessing speed - which I upgraded to 300Mhz from the original 60 I think you have 66Mhz if you have the 6100AV model  - - - not to dissappoint you but the reality is that you will not be able to 'download' every inclusion to a chosen website because you will have to download the software that the designer of the site chose to create all of the fancy motion and graphic builds.  All is not lost however - you will still be able to acquire the 'meat and potatoes' from most sites.  

We have got to get you more ram (random access memory) which are very inxpensive for this model nowadays.  I have a few hanging around that you can have - gratis but  they are 8mb and you should consider two 32mb simms - - - Im sure someone has some laying around - if not, I can point you in an 'inexpensive' direction.  I would put this task on your 'must do' priority list.  Very easy to install - no magic required - I promise - you'll be a much happier mac'er.


Offline neokm

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2003, 03:57:10 PM »
One more thought relative to 'dial-up' vs. 'broadband' - - - I have ATT as a phone service - my internet rate is $14.95 unlimited per mo.  - - - don't know what you have - but, negotiate with our tele provider - - - they will jump to satisfy you if they are aware that you're going to, or thinking of switching tele providers. . .  USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.)  Look also at Earthlink and others ISP's (not AOL).  

My advice is to use a 56k external modem (comp USA or ebay), and shop for the lowest rate - - - as previously mentioned, with a 6100 broadband (cable) won't benefit you one IOTA. Save your money by getting a cheaper phone rate with an ISP (Internet Service Provider).  I'm sure Kelly and other more advanced (cheapscapes) can point you in the right direction.

All the best for another day of macpleasure

This is what I edited - -
PS - - - FWIW (I owe everything to TS - starting with Hawaii Al who sold me his old ram simms and a few other things -  - - he is light years ahead of me but I'm happy to have had his old parts and mostly his assistance ((along with all other TSer's)).

Sorry Kelly - I didn't mean to call you a 'cheapscape'  don't rag on me for being frugle - or is it frugal??? I wish I had spell-check but Mrios, Cyberpet and (as I'm writing, I can't remember his/her ID from India) no matter - - - the important thing is that if TSer's from afar - and do not speak our language - and still express Q/A with us - - - I felt very comfortable from the very beginning - - - I would bet that you do as well!!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 04:10:37 PM by neokm »

Offline kelly

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2003, 07:54:50 PM »
Cheapskate. smile.gif

That's ok Mike.

I don't enjoy "shopping" any more than most guys do.

But I really enjoy finding good deals on computers and such.

Witness all my dealmac related posts.

So in this instance I'll take it as a compliment. smile.gif
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Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2003, 09:59:33 PM »
Hello Kelly,
A good deal is only a good deal if: you receive it.
the thing works and you get a great price. According to Auction Bytes,
eBay has had most of its' complaints in the Electronics and Computer area.  There have been reports that hackers are employing identity theft to route buyers to a bogus address for payment, of course, the buyer doesn't receive the item and is out the money as well.  There have also been reports of bogus Notebooks for sale at a "too good to be true price" and it is.  Again the Buyer is out the money and the item.  Then there are those who "guarantee" the item to be in fine, excellent working condition and it isn't.  I have read the Feedback. I am very reluctant to bid or buy anything in the Electronics/Computers categories from eBay for the above reasons.  It is unfortunate, because I am sure that there are many honest Sellers with great items.  Food for thought:
Caveat Emptor.

Offline kelly

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2003, 10:19:09 PM »
I never buy anything from e-bay Mrs. L. smile.gif

I'm well aware of the scams and such.

I have a list of reliable vendors I buy from on line.

So far everything has been very good for several years. smile.gif
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Offline neokm

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2003, 11:15:17 PM »
Everyone has serious trepidations (spelling?) with ebay - - - if you get - or 'think you are getting' a good deal on an item -  you must be aware of ship cost point-to-point and could be stuck with exorbitant (spelling?) shipping cost.  But - in the case of 6100 items of necessity - it's a no brainer'.   For example - - - I have a circa-1992 Personal LaserWriter LS ( which I have designated as a Personal LaserWriter 300 on my chooser menu)  I bid and won 'two' Apple toner cartridge packages for $9 ea. what a deal - the quality is great and I could not have found them (or a place to shop) without ebay.  But - agreed - 'Buyer Beware'!


PS - Be cautious of the ebay stores and gang-bangers (multiples of the same item from a single source)  A lot of computer science teachers fall into this category - it does not take long to get a handle on ligitimcy and fair-priced items - - - all in all, when in doubt - ask the TS board of advice before you place a bid. I have (and also have not ) only to regret it.
Anyone want a 21", 65-pound IBM studio monitor (would you believe it came with 'free shipping' for a grand toal of $95?)  Worked for a three days and went to sleep - can't wake it up - I complained to my internet source and they sent me a 17" Apple ColorSync - gratis!  Great site for making good - - - - - lots to find there - - - mac included

Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2003, 07:32:20 AM »
Good Morning All,
Thanks to a few TS members, help is on the way.  Since I do not have their permission to use their names, they will remain anonymous.  I will have a modem and a book, so I can learn converse in Computerese.
Gratitude and Humility are two wonderful blessings.  I am grateful for every day I live and humbled by all the good people who share their experience, strength and hope with me - TS members, my sisters and brothers in my Church and Choir, my Doctors and caregivers.  I am so blessed!

Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2003, 08:01:58 AM »
About costs for ISP providers.  A few year back WebTV offered unlimited access to the Web and email.  Since I had no computer I thought this was one inexpensive way to get on the internet.  They were taken over by MSN.  The service remains at $24.95 a month.  They are offering a package if anyone wants to add a PC.
They have been pretty reliable.  It would be the fastest way for me to get the PC online, but perhaps not the most inexpensive.  My local cable company is also offering a package.  Last year I got digital cable service and digital telephone service: local and long distance.  From what friends are telling me who have their PCs connected to this service , the speed of connection is really great and they expressd their satisfaction.  The services are very expensive.  I have not had a problem with their service either. I need to really consider what I can do that will be both cost effective and least disruptive.  I am sure that there are many other services out there that I am not aware of.  I need to do my research and compare.  Thanks for your input.

Offline SnowWitch

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2003, 11:54:06 AM »
Good afternoon Mrs. Lop....I've tried following your remarkable understanding of your Mac.... thumbup.gif
I think I mentioned the MSN "One Plan" in another thread, but for $21.95 for both computer and MSNTV I think is a pretty good deal. I think going with the cable connection would mean more equipment to add to expenses and the monthly MSNTV would still be $24.95 if you keep that online.....anyway, keep up the good work. As far as "Mac-speak" goes, I'm in a fog most of the time....I just get on and do what I can do.... biggrin.gif ....(now back to work...sssshhhhh)  Devilish2.gif  trish

Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2003, 12:16:59 PM »
Good Afternoon, Trish,
My bwain hurts and it feews wike it's going to expwode.  Somebody stop me, I can't stop this Elmer Fudd thing.
Anyway, I went to the MSN WebTV center to get more information on the Plans.
Since you have already had the WebTV service, you know what the limitations are, too. I haven't quite made up my mind as I need to check all of the players in the ISP game.  Considering the age of my "old mac" their may be other influencing factors before I can get online with the PC.  'Bye for Now.  I am off to get some much needed rest.   thanx.gif

Offline Dreambird

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2003, 12:58:12 PM »
G'Day Mrs. Lop... biggrin.gif

Afraid I still don't know anything about older Macs... but you definately have come to a place filled with good people willing to help!

I'm just following the threads... wink.gif

I "do" have a lot of faith in the people on this board... way back when we weren't fortunate enough to have our own place yet a bunch of them helped me out of a rought spot too.

My sister has a PowerBook... in fact she's the little bugger to turned me on to Macs... I  wub.gif  her for it! But when she was here once with it, I knew "nothing" and she had become unfamiliar with them since the ones in college were on OS7 something just going to OS8 at the end. It gave me a system bomb and we could not get it going again... but these guys talked me through a clean install and the night ended happily.

Lucky for me I still had a PC to connect with so I didn't need to go to the library...  laugh.gif

Take care of yourself too though... get lots of rest! wink.gif
On permanent walk-about... ;)
MacBook Pro Retina, mid-2012, SSD 500GB, 16GB RAM, High Sierra 10.13.6, iPad Air 2, iOS 11.4.1

Offline MrsLop

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Should I Connect to High Speed Internet?
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2003, 08:38:07 PM »
Hello Dreambird,
I have been researching ISP and am disappointed that I didn't get very much accomplished today.
For amusement and distraction, I went to a link Kelly had provided earlier on Low End Macs.
I am sooo tired today.  I just can't get myself psyched up for any brain work.  Being a woman who does too much, I am also using my WebTv PIP to watch the Secret Pompeii.
I am going to call it a day, and go to bed with a good Sherlock Holmes mystery. My husband is very busy with last minute preparations for his 8th grade class graduation this Sunday.
I told him about TS and he sat with me for awhile looking at the site.
Sorry I didn't respond earlier.  Have a Good Evening