Thanks! She did that, herself. Didn't help. MS has the problem on that account. She doesn't even use Comcast so that's not urgent, anyway. But I'll tackle that after lunch.
after lunch (if you can call it that...)
As I mentioned above, one strangeness was that Judy's Comcast setting indicated "None" as the Authentication scheme. And Connection Doctor had a green marker for the mail and smtp servers.
But mail could
not be sent. This situation has probably been this way for who knows how long, but she never, ever uses that account, so we've never had any reason to check the settings, besides, CD said things were "OK!" And they were, except that they didn't work!
I changed her settings to use "password" and entered the correct username & password. Wahla! Not only do both green dots appear, but things actually work, now!
Comcast account now on-line, if it ever gets used, is another question, of course.
Now, we're just waiting on EarthLink/Mindspring to return from lunch and fix their problem(s). There were some mediocre thunderstorms through here last night and they have been severe in the Mid-West all the way up to Chicago, I guess. I have no idea if that is a cause, but one would think that they would simply re-route their network if weather was involved...
Maybe all the Mac techs are just skipping work to play with their iPads?