I looked through this video, thought a bit, and looked through it a couple of more times and I think it should work just fine on any car I've ever looked over to hood on. The "authors" last name is the same as mine; but the mate and I are not related:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFb5_mKfnR8...player_embeddedIf anyone else can view it and find problem with the circuit let me know and I'll post it here. I'm thinking of maybe using it in my older Toyota Avalon and wiring it to bypass the alarm system so it's not setting there hot and going off when it shouldn't. Believe me this can be a worse problem than someone actually stealing it! I like the point-to-point construction used although the technician in me should hate it! Watch it many, many times if you intend to do it to your car! Also don't reuse or buy junk components for the project.
Yes, it's called a G-Spot; laugh if you want to laugh. . .it's better for your cardio-vascular system them holding it in!
I love the animated schematic; it features components in the surface mount format but otherwise it's the same circuit:
http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/dandavies/T...ted%20SchematicThe whole website is full of wonderful question answering information: