I was using Norton Anti-Virus for some time, with no problems. Decided to try the suite of programs under Intego Internet Security. All Hell broke loose. First, SuperDuper could not back up - it spent eight hours on repairing permissions until I stopped it. I then repaired permissions through Disk Utility, and it took twelve hours. Safari started stalling and freezing. Every time I clicked, I got a spinning ball. It didn't matter whether I tried to click on a link, scroll, or anhy other action. It would hang, and eventually load, but it was so bad, I started using Firefox, which had no problems.
Intego did not have the answer, except to agree that if Intego was the only change made, it had to be the culprit. I did some research online, and found a posting which mentioned turning off the Real-Time Scanner in order to repair permissions. The minute I disabled it, repairing permissions went quickly, SuperDuper backed up in record time, and Safari went back to normal.
Although Intego has stated that all virus software interferes with repairing permissions, I have never had an issue under Norton. With this program installed, it means I have to deactivate the scanner every few nights when SuperDuper is scheduled, and when I want to repair permissions. That wouldn't be the worst thing, if it were not for the fact that Safari bombs every time the scanner is on.
Has anyone had any experience with this??? Thanks in advance.