RobW . . . have you "rebuilt any desktops" or used Conflict Catcher to cleanse your Control Panels . . . lately?
Ah, the bad olde days . . . that we all knew were really so great, onaccountabecause we were Macsters not WinderzFolk.
• • • • •
I share
Kimmer's stated regrets (which I speculate may be on many people's minds, today) about all the splendid folks who, for a variety of reasons, have moved on. It would be so very nice to have a few "Homecoming" posts from them.
Now that the exigencies of age, I note with regret, have limited
my mobility, the continuing contacts with TeeEssers that grace these pages (involving countless e-mails and over-the-back-fence iSightings and iChats), go a long way to rationalize the excesses of the web and its manifold iterations, helping to distill from it the best of knowledge, information and amusement, thus rendering limited mobility as a less than major problem.
Paddy mentions, people I've never "met" became genuine pals, pulling together to help others in circumstances "outsiders" could probably never imagine, ranging from illness, tragic deaths, the needs of a selfless volunteer for a computer upgrade, to travel advice, recipes, and the regular "international" celebrations of birthdays and anniversaries! All embellished by imaginative and talented banner artists (like today's "offering!). And on, and on.
Yet the truth needs to be again proclaimed: the genuine shakers-and-movers of dishere enterprise, who have been around since the beginning, unfailingly and unstintingly sharing their smarts, energy, humor (ooops
humour), wisdom and compassion are
Krissel and Paddy. The debts accumulated by this volunteer endeavor to their good nature
and intelligence are, indeed, large and extensive. We all have been blessed that they "showed-up and stayed" .
Thank you, Ladies, for services and friendship beyond measure.
• • • • •
I owe so much, good pals, to you
For hangin-in, when the computin' got viscous,
When mother-board angst was as a bolt-from-the-blue,
Or a hard drive revealed an ague, truly serious.
Or a printer “went south” midst a project, key,
Or a scanner locked-up at a time that was crucial,
Or a keyboard took a hot “bath” – what that decaf or not?
Never fear, TeeEss was ready to extract all from such a spot
Oh! where would we be . . . absent such friendly help?
Perhaps, putting on armor, for a MacFixIt visit,
Hoping to escape there, without an attack or rebuke
With an ego in tatters, as though struck by a nuke.
'Round the comfortable TeeEss hearth, y’see,
Have unfolded warm friendships, beyond compare,
As we’ve shared the joys of births n’ betrothals,
Relocations, great vacations, and celebrations rare.
So there . . .
Happy Birthday to us, from Duh Poet Lariat