I downloaded Elements 9 to test drive, is there anything worth paying for?
Too soon...
But, every time I look an Adobe app (which is very seldom and limited to mostly Elements, anyway), I can't help but wonder why they want to port the Windows method of displaying stuff. After all, they have to actually rebuild part of the APIs included in the OS! I can't believe it's more efficient or easier to do things that way and it obviously is uglier.
Mostly little things like perfectly rectangular buttons instead of nicely curved ones, progress bars that simply jump from one arbitrary point to the next instead of smoothly "progressing" (some even replicate the multi-segmented, four or five segment "block" that moves completely across the progress bar multiple times because the movement has nothing to do with any computed time remaining estimate).
I suppose it comes from not having
any GUI standards on the Windows side for so long (and apparently still only the bare minimum now) and being forced to create everything except the file system and the text characters in every app?