Have FF v. 6.0.2 on both my Macs and on the Snow Leopard one, FF has been acting funny. It slows way down and will not accept another URL unles I quit and restart it. Sometimes it requires a Force Quit.
Then I got a huge message on the screen that Firefox Bin quit and the message to Apple was automatic. I didnt even know what FF bin was till I googled it. Seems other people with Macs are having trouble with it too. It quits and FF is still running. Tis very odd that the same add-ons are the same on both of my Macs. And have not had trouble with them.
Ive not had time to troubleshoot it, but there is a lot of info on it and troubles it can cause.
But there is a way to disable stuff, screenshot,
All grandkids coming for the weekend, weather is perfect, so I wont have time to do much with FF, but will save all the info I get on this bin thing and work on it Monday.
Thanks in advance.