Greetings! I have a question about replacing the pram battery on a beige G3 300mhz A/V computer (king at the time it was bought). Acutally, it's my mom's, and her clock keeps resetting to Augus t 1956. Sounds to me like the pram battery is dead.
I was able to walk her through (on long distance) taking off the side panel and lifting up the hard drive rack. However, from there I was lost and did not know where the battery was on the mother board. Mom thought she found it underneath a "silver card" that is responsible for the A/V ports on the back of the Mac. It's my understanding that this silver card is fastened firmly to the board.
I looked on Apple's web site and found technical manuals, though none for the beige G3 tower. I looked on xlr8yourmac and could not find pictures that adequately illustrated the area of concern.
Could you help me as to where I can find instructions/pictures to changing the pram battery in the beige G3 tower? These are the last of it's kind 'cause about 3-4 months later I bought a RevA/1 B&W (if that helps at all)
I thank you, my mom thanks you and my long distance phone company curses you.