Well Mrious_be, it does seem so, as people figure out how to get out front, the search engines adjust to the times.
It seems like Google started testing a new software in the beginning of May (This process alone took about 10 days ) and on the 17th of the month all datacenters (9) had the new software installed, but it seems like something went wrong Google's rankings changed for the worse, it seems like Google elected to display an index that was 4 months old and without its normal ANTI-SPAM filters.
Thanks Paddy, I’m stealing time myself here, the site has been neglected for 3 years it would seem.
I thought when i built it, primitive as it was, that we would use it but word of mouth buried us and so I never even entered it in a search engine. We use it only for referral now, but would like to update it and move the contact email to another mailbox. Even though we didn’t submit it to Goggles, Fast, or Alta Vista, people have found it and sometimes send requests into the business address box. We work in a senior retirement environment in Florida and many request are for answers that could be automated, redirected to, or answered by others. I also suspect if I did a better job of laying out the info and updating it I could eliminate a lot of questions and confusion. I can probably figure out the mechanics of rebuilding it again, but I want the background page to be flowing rather than sandbox-like which is something I could never do. I built it so it looks like a building rather than a garden, and it really needs a women’s touch